👋Hi there, I’m Forrest!

About me👀

I am a master’s student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. I am exploring what I am passion about and I really want to do in the rest of my life.

Motto “passion without motivation.” —Krishna

University of Waterloo Logo


  • 2024/09: Begin my journey in Computer Science🤗!

Representative Works⚙️



  • 2023/07 -2023/09: Software Engineering Intern at ENN Group(GPT Collaborative Knowledge Base Module for Enhanced Q&A)


  • Outstanding Conclusion of Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project, 2023. (Top 1%)
  • School-level First-class scholarship, 2024. (Top 5%)
  • Provincial Second Prize in Advanced Mathematics Contest, 2021. (Top 5%)